News: Local Motion Updates and Blogs

Barre-Montpelier Road - Stripes on Streets, Butts on Bikes!

RoadDiet.jpgAn important vehicular connection between Montpelier, Berlin, and Barre City is now also an important connection for cyclists. A resurfacing project on the portion of the Barre-Montpelier Road - from near the Wayside restaurant to the Barre City line - updated the corridor with new buffered bike lanes.  This stretch of road is notorious for rear-end, sideswipe, and left turn conflict crashes, which are reduced dramatically when two through lanes in one direction are replaced with a single through lane and a continuous left turn lane, also called a 'Road Diet'.

Learn More About "Road Diets"

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Harmony Place in Brattleboro - placemaking at its best

DowntownBrattleboro.jpgA new green space in Brattleboro will make downtown an even better place to stroll and shop. Harmony Place will replace the space where Frankie's Pizza once sold slices with a large green, a stage, space for 150 seats, and much more that will make the space a destination for those who want to spend time in a welcoming public space.


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"Nobody bikes in the New North End"

vbp_sign.jpgLast Wednesday was the inaugural “Beach Bites” Food Truck event, a gustatory celebration that will be happening the first Wednesday of every month through September at Leddy Park-right behind the arena, looking out over a placid Lake Champlain. I know the Truck Stop Friday Night at Arts Riot is crazy, but how busy could a similar event in the New North End be, especially in the middle of the week...

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The Hidden History of that $5 Garage Sale Bike Helmet

Garage_Sale_sign.jpgMy husband and I love finding great deals at garage and yard sales—we’ve found all kinds of amazing things in our adventures (brand-new Ibex shirt for $1, anyone?) As you can imagine, I’ve seen just about everything put out for sale on the tables (and yes, I did buy that bronze frog lamp.) One thing we see a lot are bike helmets. Sure, $5 for a helmet that looks in good shape seems like a great deal, but before you pounce on that fancy new helmet with squeals of triumph and joy, hear me out first....

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Vermont Rail Trails: A Future Within Reach

BikerOnBurke.jpgAs a recent transplant from Seattle, some of my most memorable cycling experiences were on a spectacular path known as the Burke-Gilman Rail-Trail. This amazing trail meandered through some of Seattle's most vibrant neighborhoods, passing parks, coffee shops, restaurants, and breweries, and beyond -- all the way into suburban enclaves dozens of miles out of town. And the best part about it? We can do the same thing, right here in Vermont!

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Philo to Champlain Path: Charlotte Seeking Consultant

PhilotoChamp.jpgThose who love Charlotte, whether they call it home or just a beautiful place to visit, have long dreamed of a walking and biking path that would connect Mt. Philo and Lake Champlain. And now, this dream is moving another step close to becoming reality. The Town of Charlotte is seeking qualified firms to provide planning services to identify issues associated with possible construction of this path connecting the two most popular destinations in Charlotte...

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Apply for Grants to Make Your Community Safer!

26th-st-protected-bike-lane_main.jpgGrants are now available through VTrans for Vermont Communities to make their streets and roads work better and be safer for walking and biking! Projects can include planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects for a number of facility types, including scoping, design, construction and even a "small projects" category - new this year and intended to implement necessary safety improvements like signs, pavement markings, crossing enhancements or on-road bike facilities through striping...


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Hinesburg Police - catching speeders, keeping us safe

Hinesburg_Police.jpgA message from Frank Koss, Chief of Police for the Hinesburg Police Department

As part of the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, Hinesburg Police obtained a speed monitoring device that helps us determine the speed on the roads when we are not around. This device records the date, time and speed of the vehicles on monitored roads. Our volunteer takes this information and provides graphs and lists that can help us target especially unsafe and dangerous driving. What we found was startling...



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Brattleboro Hosts Safer Streets Forum

brattleboro_safer_streets_forum_thumb.jpgBrattleboro's Safe Streets Project—a group that formed with support from Local Motion—organized a Safer Streets Forum on May 5.  Several dozen people turned out for a series of presentations and Q&A with town officials and representatives of various nonprofits.  Local Motion was honored to be a part of the event.  Read the news story in the Brattleboro Reformer.  If you're inspired to help, sign up here as a Windham County walk-bike activist!

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VTrans Releases Bike-Ped Program Report

brattleboro_sidewalk_thumb.jpgVTrans just released its first-ever report on the Vermont Bike Ped Program, which invests millions of dollars every year in improvements for walking and biking around Vermont.  The report is concise and readable, with an overview of how funds were spent and details about specific projects around the state.  It's a must-read for anyone who wants to understand what the opportunities are for getting improvements for walking and biking built in your community...

download the full report


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