Who We Are
Local Motion was founded in 1999 with a singular (and improbable) goal: to get people on bikes across the mouth of the Winooski River, where the Burlington Bike Path then came to an end.
Since then, we have grown to become Vermont's statewide advocate for active transportation, vibrant communities, and safe streets. Our mission is simple: Making it safe, accessible, and fun for everyone to bike, walk, and roll in Vermont.
We know there is no one solution that will work for every community.
That's why our work ranges from on-the-ground advocacy and community organizing and project-specific technical assistance to workshops and classes for all ages and bike-friendly resources for businesses and communities.
Our Values
At Local Motion, our values are Collaboration, Passion, Diversity, Inclusion & Equity, integrity, Financial Responsibility, Altruism, and Professionalism.
2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Local Motion's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan features our recently updated mission: "Making it safe, accessible, and fun for everyone to bike, walk, and roll in Vermont."
Our vision: More people will walk, bike, and roll in Vermont for recreation and transportation, improving their health while benefiting local communities and the environment. Local Motion is Vermont’s leading resource for all issues related to walking, biking, and rolling.
Read our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
How are we doing on tracking progress on our Plan? Each year we generate an Impact Report.
2023 Impact Report
2023 was a fantastic year here at Local Motion. Check out our Impact Report for a by-the-numbers summary of all of our services and programs.
In addition to the Impact Report, we wanted to share more detail about the work our Complete Streets team did this year. In 2023, Local Motion's Complete Streets team -
- Supported establishment of walk/bike Winooski & Williston
- Hosted a webinar series
- Worked with Brattleboro Active Transportation Committee to complete the Brattleboro Walk/Bike Action Plan and installed bike shelter at Co-Op
- Worked with Shelburne Bike and Pedestrian Paths Committee to complete Shelburne's Walk Bike Master Plan
Installed pop up infrastructure demonstrations including
- Lyndon -crosswalk curb extension across Main Street
- Shelburne - Spear Street temporary bike lane
- Worked with our partner organizations at Transportation for Vermonters to make progress on several key legislative issues (check out our 2023 legislative update for more information)
Financial Information
Our strength and our success depends on you, so we want to share our financial information to give you a full picture of our organization.
Please click on the links below to find our most recent financial statements and our IRS Form 990.
We welcome your questions. Please contact us at [email protected]