Find a Local Walk/Bike Group

Local Motion partners with and supports local walk/bike organizations across Vermont to help them set goals, plan projects, organize community support, and more.

Local walk/bike organizations increase awareness about walking and biking, help local decision-makers set priorities for complete streets improvements, and engage partner organizations and interested citizens in promoting positive change.

We can help your community set up a local walk/bike advisory committee or advocacy group if it doesn't already have one. If you are involved in or know of a walk/bike group that may be interested in working with us, or would like to learn more about setting up a walk/bike committee or group in your community, please email Local Motion's Complete Streets Program Manager, Jonathon Weber

Addison County 

Bristol Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee

Middlebury Infrastructure Committee

Walk-Bike Council of Addison County

Bennington County

Bike Manchester VT

Caledonia County

Primitive Transport (Lyndon/Lyndonville)

Saint Johnsbury Bike/Ped Committee

Chittenden County 

Burlington Walk/Bike Council

Essex Junction Walk/Bike Advisory Committee

Jericho Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity Committee

Shelburne Bike and Pedestrian Paths Committee

Shelburne Falls Road Working Group

Shelburne Village Pedestrian Safety Group

South Burlington Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee

Vermonters for People-Oriented Places

Williston on the Move

Winooski Alliance for Active Transportation

Franklin County

Walk/Bike Saint Albans

Lamoille County

Morrisville Walk Bike Group

Orange County 

Walk/Bike Randolph

Washington County

Montpelier Complete Streets Committee

Montpelier Transportation Infrastructure Committee

Windham County

Brattleboro Coalition for Active Transportation (BCAT)

Rockingham Bike/Ped Committee