A recent article from Citylab gives empirical backing to something that is obvious to anyone who rides a bike: protected bike lanes make biking better. But they do more than reduce crashes; they also increase rates of biking. The increased margin of safety persuades "retired" bike riders to dust off their bikes and take to the streets. Check out the article at this link. And read on to learn why this matters right now for Burlington.
Sometime in the next month or so, the Burlington City Council will (finally!) approve Burlington's first-ever walk-bike master plan. Included in the long-range map are a whole lot of protected bike lanes. Local Motion's goal is to move those protected bike lanes from the long term to the near term.
Want to help? Sign our petition in support of a strong plan that gets implemented sooner rather than later. We'll email you when City Council is voting on the plan so you can write to your councilor or come to the meeting. Let's get this done!