Apply for Grants to Make Your Community Safer!

26th-st-protected-bike-lane_main.jpgGrants are now available through VTrans for Vermont Communities to make their streets and roads work better and be safer for walking and biking! Projects can include planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects for a number of facility types, including scoping, design, construction and even a "small projects" category - new this year and intended to implement necessary safety improvements like signs, pavement markings, crossing enhancements or on-road bike facilities through striping...


Your community can apply for funding for a scoping study or design/construction of the following projects:

  •  Bicycle lanes (on-road facility delineated with pavement markings and signs)
  • Shoulders (generally a minimum of 3-feet wide to accommodate bicyclists)
  • Sidewalks
  • Pedestrian crossing improvements, including median pedestrian refuge islands
  • Pedestrian signals
  • Improvements that address requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Shared-use paths (designed for use by both bicyclists and pedestrians)
  • Pedestrian-scale lighting (not likely to rank highly as a standalone project, but eligible as a project component)
  • Projects may be combinations of any of the above facilities.
  • Projects with the following emphasis will be considered favorably:
    • Facilities that address a documented safety concern such as a high crash location
    • Connectivity within overall bicycle and pedestrian networks
    • Proximity and access to and within village centers and downtown areas
    • Facilities that serve multiple uses e.g. access to businesses, residences and schools

Completed Applications are due by 1:00pm on July 15. For a copy of the VTrans 2016 Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Guide and Application go to Contact Jon Kaplan at VTrans with questions at (802)828-0059 or [email protected].