Sign Up Your School to Participate in Way To Go 2016 and WIN a Solar Tracker

solar-trackerWith the new school year starting, it is the perfect time to make sure the schools in your region don't miss out on the Way to Go! Challenge. As you know, from September 26 - October 7, Vermont schools can go toe-to-toe against carbon pollution and win. Students, teachers and staff are encouraged to bike, walk, carpool, or ride the bus to victory. This year, there is also a BIG prize; one lucky school will win an AllEarth Solar Tracker to provide an estimated $85,000 of clean power value to the school over the life of tracker (installation included).

We want school coordinators to know how easy it is to participate in both Safe Routes to School and the Way to Go! Challenge. Essentially those participating in International Walk to School Day on October 5 can easily earn credits in Way to Go! too by tracking with tally sheets and reporting online. Find out how using the links below.


If there is anything we can do to help schools captains get organized and have fun, let us know. Sign-up and succeed at the Way to Go Challenge. Questions: don't hesitate to ask!

Thank you for helping Vermont schools to get moving, support cleaner air and to choose more efficient travel choices!

Way To Go school Partners Deb Sachs ([email protected]) and Cara Robechek ([email protected])