Safe Routes to School Resources

SRTS Events

Safe Routes to School events are a great way to engage your school community and get more kids walking, biking, and rolling to school. The resources below can help you set up an event at your school!

The Golden Ticket Punch Card is a great way to track and reward students for engaging in whichever events your school is planning to promote.

Check out the seasonal Safe Routes to School events below for ideas and resources for your school!

Fall Bike & Roll To School Days 

Local Motion promotes Fall Bike & Roll to School Days from September through November. Join in on the fun with thousands of schools across America by participating in National Bike & Roll to School Day on October 9, 2024! Find resources below to support events at your school.

Fall Bike and Roll to School Resources

Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day 

On November 14th, Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day honors the living legacy of civil rights activist Ruby Bridges. In 1960, six-year-old Ruby Bridges etched her name in history when she integrated all-white William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. Since then, Ruby has become a national icon for her courageous action. Every November 14th, we celebrate Ruby’s courageous and historic act by encouraging students to walk to school and engaging in a day of dialogue about activism, anti-racism, and anti-bullying. The goal is to inspire kids to make positive changes in their school and community. Safe Routes Partnership is offering mini grants to support your Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day activities this fall!

Winter Walk to School Month

Winter Walk to School Month is a great way to get students outside and active in February. Join us in celebrating all month long, with Winter Walk to School Day on February 5, 2025!

Winter Walk to School Resources

Spring Walk & Roll to School Days

Local Motion promotes Spring Walk & Roll to School Days from April to May, with National Walk & Roll to School Day on May 7, 2025! Find resources below to support events at your school.

Spring Walk & Roll to School Resources

SRTS Infrastructure

Safe and comfortable walking, biking, and rolling infrastructure is critical to allowing students to get to school safely. There are many strategies and opportunities for schools to improve their infrastructure.

Walking School Buses and Bike Trains

A Walking School Bus is a group of students walking along a designated route to school led by an adult supervisor. Walking School Buses often have “Stops” along the way where students can join the group. A Bike Train is a Walking School Bus where students ride bicycles rather than walk.

Walking or biking to school in a group is a great way to make students and parents more comfortable walking to school. Walking School Buses and Bike Trains provide supervision for students walking to school and are typically enjoyable for students who travel to school with their friends and neighbors.

These are also great ways to allow students to walk or bike to school more safely in rural areas that don't have great sidewalks or bikeways. By designating a gathering point for the bus or train, students can travel the remaining distance to school in a more visible and supervised group.

Walk/Bike Audits

A Walk Audit is a group exercise in which your team walks around the school grounds and adjacent neighborhoods to experience, identify and document walking and biking conditions. Walk Audits are used to identify barriers to walking and bicycling in the environment surrounding a school. They are also an important first step in developing a Travel Plan.

School Travel Plans

A Travel Plan documents specific challenges to walking and biking to school and identifies strategies to address these challenges. You don't have to have one, but a good Travel Plan can serve as the guiding document for your SRTS program. It outlines your activities and next steps for supporting walking and biking to school. The engineering portion outlines infrastructure improvements which may be implemented by the school, municipality, or state.

Funding and Additional Resources