Explore some instances of Local Motion's technical assistance initiatives within local communities. If you're interested in discussing potential opportunities for your community, feel free to reach out to Jonathon ([email protected]) or Susan ([email protected]).
Signage Guidance for U.S. Bicycle Route 7 (The Western New England Greenway)
Year: 2025
This guide establishes consistent and uniform signage standards for U.S. Bicycle Route 7 in Vermont, also known as the Western New England Greenway (WNEG).
Policy Review: Crossing Guard Warrants
Year: 2024
This report evaluated national crossing guard policy and practice to aid Vermont towns in implementing effective crossing guard programs.
South Burlington Dorset Street Walk Bike Audit
Year: 2024
Geography: Dorset Street, South Burlington
The South Burlington Safe Routes to School Task Force worked with Local Motion staff to conduct a walk/bike audit of Dorset Street between Kennedy and Aspen Drives. The results of this audit were used to inform active transportation improvements along this section of road as a part of a planned repaving project and to provide input to the City's Active Transportation Plan (in development).
Spear Street Bike Lane Demonstration Project
Year: 2023
Geography: Spear Street, Shelburne
Local Motion evaluated three types of bike lanes as replacements for existing bike shoulders on Spear Street in Shelburne. The tested designs encompassed a painted buffer, and a painted buffer with vertical protection via delineator posts spaced 20' and 100' apart, while also narrowing travel lanes to 10.5'. This initiative included a community survey, traffic data collection and recommendations for a final design. See the one minute time lapse of the project installation.
Model Local Bike Parking Ordinance
Year: 2023
Local Motion prepared this model bike parking ordinance for communities across the state to use as the basis for developing their own local policy. Lack of quality bike parking can be a disincentive to cycling for transportation or recreation purposes. A bike parking policy can ensure that safe, secure, easy to use and accessible bike parking is provided when development or re-development takes place. Feel free to reach out to Susan at [email protected] if you have questions about modifying this model legislation to correspond to your community's needs.
Hardwick LVRT Connector Loop Proposal
Year: 2023
Geography: Hardwick
Local Motion staff created a detailed plan to help Hardwick enhance connections to the nearby Lamoille Valley Rail Trail.
Chittenden County Active Transportation Survey Results
Year: 2022
Geography: Chittenden County
This statistically representative survey captured key insights on public opinion intended to inform decisions regarding walk/bike policies, conditions, and improvements. The survey was coordinated by Local Motion with funding from the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC). Embold Research, which is the nonpartisan unit of Change Research, was contracted to administer the survey.
Randolph Walk/Bike Survey Report
Year: 2022
Geography: Randolph
A group of Randolph residents who had formed a walk/bike group worked with Local Motion to administer and analyze this community survey as a means of gauging community support for walk/bike infrastructure, identifying barriers and solutions, and helping the town make progress on priorities.
planBTV Walk/Bike 5-Year Progress Report
Year: 2022
Geography: Burlington
Burlington's Walk/Bike Master Plan, planBTV Walk/Bike, was adopted in 2017 and set numerous goals for a 5-year timeframe. This report evaluated progress towards the 5-year goals set in the plan's "Engineering" section.
East Hardwick Walk/Bike Safety Improvement Concepts
Year: 2022
Geography: East Hardwick
A neighborhood group based in East Hardwick requested that Local Motion staff draft conceptual designs for improving safety for walking and biking and enhancing connectivity to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail. This report is the result of that process.
Chittenden County Bike Count Data Library
Years: 2019 - 2021
Geography: Burlington, South Burlington, Essex, Winooski
Local Motion collected bike count data at select locations within Chittenden County between 2019 and 2021. Access the data via the data library linked above.
Twinfield Union Campus Pedestrian Safety and Accessibility Report
Year: 2021
Geography: Twinfield Union School
The recommendations provided in this document advise on general improvements that may be made on Twinfield Union School's campus to improve conditions for students walking and rolling. The recommendations are focused on low-cost projects, mostly around the crossings identified by school staff.
Charlotte Walk/Bike Survey Report
Year: 2021
Geography: Charlotte
A walk/bike taskforce composed of members of the Charlotte Energy and Trails Committees worked with Local Motion to administer and analyze this community survey as a means of gauging community support for walk/bike infrastructure, identifying barriers and solutions, and helping the town make progress on priorities.
Greensboro Pop-Up Report
Year: 2021
Geography: Greensboro
This report details the results of a Pop-Up demonstration project that Local Motion installed in Greensboro in 2021 in partnership with a local group and town officials.
Bristol Elementary School Walk/Bike Safety Audit
Year: 2019
Geography: Bristol
A group of PTO members, town officials, and walk/bike advocates in Bristol worked with Local Motion to conduct a walk-bike audit in the immediate vicinity of the Elementary School during and after school pick-up. Through this process, strategies were identified for improving safety and encouraging more families to walk and bike. This report further details the findings from the walk-bike audit and proposes recommendations to address the concerns raised.
South Union St. Pop-Up Report
Year: 2019
Geography: Burlington
In partnership with Local Motion, and with support from school administrators, the Edmunds School PTO experimented with different configurations along South Union St. Traffic engineers from Dubois and King Inc conducted a traffic analysis in advance of the project to determine the impacts of the streets changes, and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission collected data on traffic volumes and speeds. This report details the project and findings.
Richmond Walk/Bike Survey Report
Year: 2019
Geography: Richmond
Building upon past studies, and in partnership with the Town Planner and Richmond Trails Committee, Local Motion developed and circulated a survey to assess how best to create better bike and pedestrian access and reduce traffic congestion between the village, schools and park and ride in Richmond.
Safer Spaces for Walking and Biking in Craftsbury, Greensboro, Hardwick and Barton Village
Year: 2017
Geography: Northeast Kingdom
Local Motion met with representatives from towns and conducted field visits in order to learn about priorities, issues related to walking and biking, current walking and biking conditions and habits of residents and visitors, as well as to better understand the opportunities for making improvements. Following an assessment of these issues and opportunities, community members decided to focus on key action projects that are detailed in this report.
St. Johnsbury Walk/Bike Safety Action Plan
Year: 2017
Geography: St. Johnsbury
St. Johnsbury residents and town officials wanted to build on the interest that began with the VTrans On-Road Bike Plan, and decided to work with Local Motion to develop a Walk-Bike Safety Action Plan with the goal of identifying short and long term options for road improvements that will increase walking and biking in St. Johnsbury, and to make the roads safer.
Lyndon Walk/Bike Safety Action Plan
Year: 2016
Geography: Lyndon
Lyndon residents and town officials worked with Local Motion to develop a Walk-Bike Safety Action Plan with the goal of identifying short and long term options for road improvements that will increase walking and biking in Lyndon, and to make the roads safer.