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OGE Offers Grants for Recreation Land Acquisition

OGE_logo.jpgThe Fall 2016 application period is now open for the Outdoor Gear Exchange Charitable Grant Fund! OGE is accepting applications until October 15, 2016 primarily to fund tangible acquisitions related to land access, conservation, or sustainable outdoor recreation. Grants will be awarded to qualifying organizations for amounts up to $1500 (up to $1000 for our education grant). To learn more about past projects or to apply for a grant, please visit www.gearx.com/grants/.


Brattleboro Hosts Safer Streets Forum

brattleboro_safer_streets_forum_thumb.jpgBrattleboro's Safe Streets Project—a group that formed with support from Local Motion—organized a Safer Streets Forum on May 5.  Several dozen people turned out for a series of presentations and Q&A with town officials and representatives of various nonprofits.  Local Motion was honored to be a part of the event.  Read the news story in the Brattleboro Reformer.  If you're inspired to help, sign up here as a Windham County walk-bike activist!

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