Brattleboro Launches a New Pilot Program

brattleboro_woman.jpgThe safe and complete streets campaign is all about working with communities across Vermont to make roads in their towns work better for all. Recently, the Safe Streets Project in Brattelboro teamed up with the Brattleboro Department of Public Works and the Holton Home for elder care to ensure that residents of the home are visible when crossing the street. Read on to hear about how the pilot is helping a vulnerable community reclaim the road!

While the community waits for a pedestrian activated crossing light at the crosswalk, the Safe Streets Project has installed two fluorescent flags on each side of the street so that pedestrians may remain visible while crossing. These flags will be used in the interim until the flashing light system can be purchased and put in place.  If the pilot flag program is deemed successful, flags may be placed at other crosswalks around town in the future.  

Together we can make our streets safer. Well done, Brattleboro!