Please join us for a casual group ride with fellow 2023 Friends of the Ferry campaign donors, Ferry volunteers, and Local Motion staff and Board members to celebrate this year’s opening day of the Bike Ferry! Find our Interactive Island Line Trail Map and visit for any weather-related bike ferry closure or delay announcement. We hope you’ll consider decking out yourself or your bike with lights, colorful streamers, bells, or whatever brings you joy! Be sure to wear weather-appropriate clothing and bring water and whatever else you need to be comfortable.
Northbound Ride schedule:
8:00am Meet in front of Local Motion’s Trailside Center, at the foot of King Street
Site Host: Christina Erickson, Executive Director
8:15am Depart Trailside Center and head north on the Island Line Trail.
8:45am Depart Burlington Leddy Park parking area near the bike path.
9:00am Depart Colchester Airport Park near the green “Champ” bike rack.
9:15am Depart Colchester Mills Point parking area
9:30am Cheer on the ferry, crew, and volunteers as the ferry makes its way across Malletts Bay. *
10:00am First trip northward to South Hero (optional) OR Return southbound
Southbound Ride schedule:
9:15am Meet at the parking lot off of Martin Road
Site Host: Lynne Graves, Director of Finance & Human Resources
9:30am Cheer on the ferry, crew, and volunteers as the ferry makes its way across Malletts Bay. *
10:00am First trip southward to Burlington (optional) OR Return northbound
* Photo release forms will be distributed and collected at the "Cut".
An RSVP by email or phone will be appreciated but is not required.
1 Steele St
Burlington , VT 05401
United States
Google map and directions