Williston Road Bike Lane Celebration!

After three years of persistent advocacy by Local Motion, VTrans has installed bike lanes on Williston Road in South Burlington and Williston! We will ride the new lanes  as a group from Earl's Cyclery to Taft's Corners and back. After the ride, there will be raffle prizes, snacks and refreshments, and an opportunity to add your name in support of continuing the bike lanes towards Burlington.

Come for the ride, the post-ride fun, or both!  RSVP below, and please share our Facebook event!

9:30am - Leave from Earl's 
9:55am - Arrive back at Earl's 
10am -    Raffle, snacks, and hanging out at Earl's

October 21, 2017 at 9:30am - 11am
Earl's Cyclery
2500 Williston Rd
South Burlington, VT 05403
United States
Google map and directions
Ross Saxton ·
Maxwell Tracy Scott Decker Kevin Batson Roxy Bombardier Tyler Antrim Paul Conner Rose Bergeron Eric Hull Wendy Fisher Daniels John W Williams Sue Storey Jason Boczar Stephen Kastner Thomas J Broido Jim Wilkinson-Ray Holly Creeks Renzo Silva Ron Flanders Eduardo Ortiz Ethan Simmons Kerry Lamore Nancy Luke Dusty Freewheel Roger Frey Ross Saxton Jason Van Driesche Vin Cent Raymond Lalumiere

Will you come?