The 3rd Annual Waterbury Bike Swap Saturday will be taking place May 13th!
Here's the deal - we have two options - Sellers and Consigners.
Sellers - Register at 8AM - Pay $25 - Sell Your Own Stuff - Keep 100% of your sales
Consigners - Drop off your stuff with Waterbury Sports starting 5/6 (the weekend before) until 5/13 - they'll sell it for you for a 20% consignment (and they split that with WATA - sweet!).
Anything that doesn't sell needs to be picked up by 5/17. If it gets left, it gets donated.
Please - no scrap metal. Bikes need to be in decent working order.
Swap ends at 1PM.
May 13, 2017 at 9:00am - 1pm
Thatcher Brook Primary School
Waterbury Area Trails Alliance