Vermont is lucky to have a rich array of bicycle shops across our state, and we love them all. Three shops, however, hold a unique distinction as community-based non-profit organizations - The Bike Hub in Bennington, BF Community Bike Project in Bellows Falls, and Old Spokes Home in Burlington. Over the past year and a half, I’ve visited each of these organizations as part of my ongoing orientation as Local Motion’s new-ish Executive Director.
Top left: The Bike Hub, top right: Old Spokes Home, bottom: BF Community Bike Project.
The Bike Hub occupies a corner of an old mill in downtown Bennington. A private bicycle shop was located in the space, and when it closed, the community saw a need and an opportunity. What exists now is a bicycle shop with new and used bicycles, a space to create community through volunteering and by hosting group rides, and serves as a nexus for all things bike-y in Bennington. On the day of our visit (Programs Director, Jonathon Weber was there too), we were treated to a ride around Bennington by Mark Anders, one of the board members. Mark showed us the existing rail trail right through the center of town, a pivotal trail connecting a housing development to a nearby elementary school, as well as dreams for further connections with nearby MA communities.
The BF Community Bike Project in Bellows Falls is located in a cheery yellow building that will soon be owned by the organization. Chock full of bikes that are serviced by paid and volunteer staff, I visited on an afternoon when local youth were learning how to work on bikes as part of the Youth Open Shop program. Founder Bonnie Anderson showed me around and told of the many empowering stories that she’s witnessed since opening the shop in 2012 - from learning mechanical skills to gaining independence with a bike as transportation, this small and mighty organization is a linchpin in the Bellows Falls community.
Old Spokes Home in Burlington is a shop with a long history (since 2000) and has been a non-profit organization since 2015. This community organization blended several bike related efforts into one home and created a new-to-them space in a former bus depot. Similar to the other organizations, there is a strong focus on making sure that “Everybody Bikes” with affordable bikes and parts and occasional group rides. With a strong history of volunteer nights, there are now also workshops for people learning more formal wrenching skills. With our close physical proximity, Local Motion co-hosts several events with Old Spokes Home, like our recent screening of “Motherload”.