Each year, the Catamount Trail Association organizes the Race To The Top as a fundraiser and invites you to challenge yourself by hiking, running, or biking up the highest mountain in Vermont. So, double down on those hill workouts and Register Today. Until you’ve completed the Northeast Delta Dental Race To The Top Of Vermont, you can’t possibly know how tough you really are.
The course climbs up the historic Mansfield Toll Road, is 4.3 miles in length, and climbs 2564 ft. For some it’s all about trying to achieve a fast time up this tough 4.3 mile course. For others… they come to test themselves, and to enjoy the spectacular views.
No matter why you came, this is about supporting the Catamount Trail Association and all of the good work they do. This event is their largest fundraiser of the year. So, while you’re out there challenging yourself, know that 100% of the money raised at this event goes to support backcountry skiing and riding here in Vermont!