Losing Things
In the past I have lost my wallet and my keys. When it happens I get an overwhelming sense of panic. It is not a good feeling so I make sure to keep hold of my wallet, keys and phone. I have not lost my wallet, keys or phone for a while, but I lose other things. I often lose thing when I am going from one place to another. I have made special efforts to be mindful during those transitions but I still leave things behind. I have accepted that I am absentminded.
Recently I had lunch with a friend at the Burlington Bagel Bakery. I walked down from the YMCA where I had been swimming earlier in the morning. I left my bike at the Y. When I returned to the Y to get my bike I discovered that my clear riding glasses were gone. I use them on cloudy days and at night to protect my eyes. They are prescription glasses. I went into the Y and checked the lost and found. I went back to the locker I had used earlier in the day but the glasses were not there. I called the Bagel Bakery but no one had turned them in. I was sad and frustrated. I get down on myself for losing things. The next day I thought about buying another pair of glasses but before I called Eyecare of Vermont I called the Bagel Bakery one more time. Someone had turned them in! It was very exciting. Later that day I went and got my glasses.
I can comfort myself with the thought that there is a kind of balance between the things I lose and the things I find. Mostly I find things when I am riding or walking. Road finds are part of the pleasure of riding. I tend to notice things that are lying on the ground and I often stop to investigate. Usually the items are of no worth to me and I leave them where they are, but sometimes I find great stuff. I hope that the things I lose are found by someone who can use them.
Bike Racks
Last year I nagged City Market to clear out snow from the bike racks and they started doing it. This year they have continued. I have been working on the YMCA to do the same thing. I talked to the staff behind the check-in desk four times, but did not get any action. Finally I talked to Kyle, the director of the Y. He is a friend and I don’t like to bug him with complaints but after four tries I had a talk with him. He said it was a reasonable request and he would talk to his team about it. Later that day the bike racks were clear of snow. The snow clearing from the racks is still sporadic but I hope to see further improvements.
Windproof Long Underwear
For Christmas my daughter gave me a gift certificate for Smartwool. I bought a pair of windproof merino wool tights. I wear long underwear all winter, but all my other long underwear is not windproof. I wanted to be able to wear the tights under a pair of pants and ride in temperatures as low as 20 degrees. The first time I tried it was a little too warm and wearing the tights was uncomfortable inside. I got too hot. The next time it was 20 degrees and the tights were perfect. I was able to ride into Burlington with the tights and a pair of cotton pants without having to put on wind pants as well. It is satisfying when I devise a strategy and it works.