We’ve had new guidance from Governor Scott on outdoor recreation, and we’d like to help folks parse it out a bit.
As the state begins its “Play Smart and Play Safe” protocol, the golden rule will continue to be: be mindful of your most vulnerable family members and neighbors, and err on the side of caution to protect them.
The new guidance doesn’t change much for people recreating, but more places will be open.
It is now okay to be out and about in small groups, as long as you are taking precautions:
- If you’re sick, stay home
- Groups must be smaller than 10 people
People should continue to wear masks when interacting with other people
- Masks are not recommended for use when doing strenuous physical activity
- Continue to use soap and water or hand sanitizer
- Participate in recreational activities that involve low or no physical contact
- People not in the same household should maintain 6’ distance from each other
You may begin to interact with members of another “Trusted Household”
- Trusted households are family, neighbors or friends known to be following VDH/CDC health and safety precautions
Click to view the Vermont Department of Health PDF on the definition of a Trusted Household
Key points:
- Pick ONE trusted household (people taking health and safety precautions)
- Don’t gather in groups of over 10
- Keep a list of who you have been in contact over the day
- Remember to prioritize protecting those at higher risk for severe illness
Key points:
- “Arrive, Play and Leave” --no congregating before or after activities, for example, no tailgating.
There is no specific guidance from the State on biking in groups, but our recommendation is that it’s best to continue to play it safe at this point and ride solo or with folks in your household, or maybe with folks in “Trusted Households.”
Ways to stay safe while riding:
- Don’t follow closely behind other riders, not in your household group.
- Bring everything you need to make basic repairs and keep yourself nourished so that you don’t wind up needing to interact with another person.
- Ride less-populated routes as much as possible. Areas like the Burlington Greenway are quite crowded.
- Ride with caution, since the hospital is not a place you want to be right now.
- As always, wash your hands, cough and sneeze into your elbow, and don’t touch your face.
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