New Board Members at Local Motion

Local Motion, Vermont’s statewide bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organization, has two new board members: Alice Charkes and Mark Anders.

Alice Charkes smiling with a helmet on in front of a road signAlice Charkes, of Brattleboro, was a Board member of the Vermont Bike/Ped Coalition from 2003-2009 and has been a strong advocate for bicyclists and pedestrians for over 20 years in the Brattleboro area. She is a founding member of BCAT, Brattleboro Coalition for Active Transportation. Alice was a tour leader and leader trainer for Adventure Cycling Association for 25 years. Bicycle touring is her passion and primary form of vacationing. She has ridden across the US and the UK, as well as done tours in Canada and a half-dozen countries in Europe. She regularly teaches a Share the Road lesson in Driver’s Ed classes at Brattleboro Union High School. Alice retired from teaching French in June 2024 after 33 years. 

Mark Anders smiling with a helmet on in front of a convenience storeMark Anders, of Bennington, is the Senior Transportation Planner at the Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC), where he has worked since 2010. He has assisted the Bennington Region’s 17 towns and villages in planning, funding, designing, permitting, and constructing bicycle and pedestrian projects, including bike lanes, sidewalks, shared-use paths, and shared streets. His professional goal is to create infrastructure that encourages walking and biking, fostering fun, healthy, and vibrant communities. Since high school, Mark has commuted by bike year-round in Bennington, Boston, New York City, Providence, and across the cobblestones of Rome, Italy. He is also a founding board member of the Bennington Bike Hub, a non-profit bike shop, education, and advocacy organization, where he currently serves as co-president.

Local Motion thanks outgoing board members, David Hutchinson of Saint Albans and Kate Hunter of Burlington, for each serving two terms.