Local Motion provides a range of free or low-cost technical assistance services to communities working to build complete streets and encourage active transportation like walking and biking.
Contact Local Motion's Complete Streets Program Manager, Jonathon Weber, if you'd like to find out more or request technical assistance for your community.
Project Design Assistance
The most common way that Local Motion helps communities become better places to walk and bike is by providing feedback on how already-planned transportation improvement projects can be made more walk- and bike-friendly.
For example, we will often be called upon to review repaving projects to assess whether the striping plan can be changed to incorporate bike lanes or wider shoulders. We also sometimes help communities come up with policies or designs from scratch that address a significant gap or deficiency related to walking and biking.
Pop-Up Infrastructure Demonstration Projects
Pop-Up Demonstration Projects enable communities to experience the value of new infrastructure without having to commit to it long-term. These are short-term infrastructure installations that utilize temporary, low-cost materials like washable paint, traffic tape, planter boxes, flexible bollards, and cones to temporarily reconfigure streets. Pop-Up Demonstrations typically last for around a week, and survey and observational data can be collected before, during, and after the demonstration to help decision-makers understand project benefits and impacts.
Pop-Ups can be used to demonstrate:
- Curb extensions
- 4-to-3 lane reconfigurations (aka "road diet")
- Pedestrian refuges/crossings
- Bike lanes (protected, buffered, conventional)
- Bike boxes
- ...and more
Local Motion has a 12-foot trailer filled with all of the supplies needed to run a successful pop-up demonstration project in your town. Whether it's traffic calming, crosswalks, bike lanes, bump-outs, a pedestrian refuge or a plaza, our trailer can help build support for permanent safety and speed management improvements.
Walk/Bike Planning
Local Motion collaborates with towns, regional planning commissions, and consultants to develop high-quality walk-bike master plans. Our role is often as a member of the advisory committee for the plan, although we have at times worked directly as a member of a consultant team.
Community Assessments
Local Motion can work with you to assess your community's bike and pedestrian safety and on-the-ground infrastructure, as well as prioritize community actions using data, field visits, analysis of the built environment and other information gathered through interviews or community meetings.