Join the 2nd annual Human Powered Parade on Sunday, May 6th, 2018 in Bristol to celebrate national bike moth with a parade of all things that roll petroleum free!
10-11 am: Bike and bike helmet decorating. *BMX bike show* at Bristol Skate park - for more information.
11-12:30: The Human Powered Parade! The parade will travel through Bristol town street and will be populated with interactive art, dance parties and fun pop-ups. Helmets are mandatory for participation!
12:30 - 2:00 pm: Human Powered Party! Vendors will be selling local food, bike-powered gadgets and goodies to increase your non-petroleum mobility and fun! Enjoy Live Music beats by Band of the Land, a soulful trio hailing from deep within VT's Green Mountains with sounds reflecting acoustic, folk, soul and reggae roots.
Artistically inclined? Submit a sketch to be considered for the Human Powered Parade sidewalk art show to [email protected].Sketches due by Friday, April 26th.
This community event is brought to you by Addison County's Safe Routes to School programs, the Addison County's Safe Routes programs, the Addison County Walk-Bike Council, Local Motion and Frog Hollow Bikes.
General Admission is FREE and sponsored by amazing community sponsors: Frog Hollow Bikes, National Bank of Middlebury, Waitsfield Telecom, New England Grassroots Environmental Fund, Stark Mountain Woodworking, Terry Bicycles with drinks donated by Aqua Vitea and Tandem.