Join VTRans and your neighbors for the first public meeting of Phase 2 of the statewide On-Road Bike Plan to make Vermont's roads work better and be safer for all bicyclists - families, commuters, and recreational riders!
December 1st from 6 PM - 8 PM (Snow Date is December 8th)
At the meeting you will be able to:
- Learn about the statewide VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Phase 2
- Review identified bicycle safety hotspots
- Learn about upcoming opportunities to provide feedback on what makes roads feel comfortable and to identify network gaps
- Ask VTrans staff and project team questions about the project
There are several ways to attend the meeting:
- In Person: 1 National Life Drive, Montpelier
- At Regional hubs: Attend the live webinar viewing with your neighbors hosted by your Regional Planning Commission office (see locations below)
- At home: Attend from anywhere using the webinar link available on the project website:
Regional Planning Commission Locations
Click here to view the flyer for download and spread the word!
- Attending the public meetings. December 1, 2016 from 6pm to 8pm. The meeting will be a webinar format hosted by Regional Planning Commissions or in person at VTrans Head Quarters. Find a location convenient to you.
- Telling your friends and neighbors to participate. Forward this email or post it on your local Front Porch Forum or hang up aflyer.
- Provide input during open comment periods at [email protected] .
- Sign up for project updates at [email protected].
- Participate in an online survey on draft roadway evaluation criteria to determine comfort levels.
- Participate via an interactive crowdsourcing map to provide feedback on the draft gap analysis map.
Learn more at the project website:
Public input is critical to the success of this project. Thank you for helping to make the project a success by sharing your input and creating project awareness by connecting others.
If you have questions or comments related to this project, please contact VTrans Planning Coordinator: Sommer Bucossi at 802-828-3884 or email [email protected]