Biking 101

These videos are brought to you by Local Motion with support from our partners VTrans and CCRPC.

1. How to fit your bike helmet

A properly fitted bike helmet will keep your head safer during a crash or fall. In this video we talk about the three main helmet areas to adjust to fit your helmet to your head.


2. How to stop and start safely on a bike

Let’s start at the beginning! In this video we talk about tips for getting on your bike, keeping your balance while you start to pedal, and how to safely stop.


3. How to stay safe when biking

Keep yourself and others safe while out on your bike. In this video we will review standard hand signals and how to dress for success!

Shift into Biking 

Local Motion and Skirack put together a series of short videos to show you how to ride safer while having more fun.

How to interact with buses while biking:

How to bike through a 3 lane intersection: 

How to make a left turn while biking in a city:

How awesome riding an electric bike (e-Bike) can be:

How to deal with road debris: