Want to try a different way of getting around? How about a healthy option, one that can save you some money and even be fun? You can reduce carbon pollution in Vermont and impact worldwide climate change. Park Your Carbon is a week-long initiative to help change Vermonters’ transportation and commuting habits by encouraging green ways of travel. Do it for a day, a week or make it a habit. Bike. Walk. Share Your Ride. Bus. Work From Home.
Take the pledge and Go!VT plant a tree!
It’s easy. You can let us know you are taking the pledge by sharing your contact information or posting to social media. Once you let us know, we will plant a tree, making Vermont a greener state!
Take the pledge at https://www.connectingcommuters.org/parkyourcarbon/.
Share your commute to social media with #PARKYOURCARBON
A tree will be planted because of your effort, by OneTreePlanted to offset carbon emissions.
Why Participate?
The number one contributor of carbon pollution in Vermont is transportation (over 40%) and the majority is from people driving alone.
Vermont’s new climate plan requires we meet net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. There are so many benefits beyond the urgent need for our world. You can reduce congestion on Vermont’s roadways, downtown parking spots, and at pickup time in front of your child’s school. People-powered modes like biking and walking are great for physical and mental health and taking the bus or ridesharing saves enormous amounts of money compared to driving yourself in your own car. A big reason to do something now is for your children, their children, and future generations.